Experienced Santa Rosa, California Business Leader Jeff Civian

Based in Wailea, Hawaii, Jeff Civian has driven activities at Santa Rosa, California’s REACH-CSC, LLC, as a developer and owner of the Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport hangar since 2004. He has a long history flying small fixed-wing aircraft, including 25 years flying Beechcraft Barons on Bonanzas throughout the western United States, and maintains a private pilot multi-engine instrument rating. He has logged more than 3,200 hours of flight time. Apart from his work with REACH, Jeff Civian has extensive experience as a developer, builder, and manager of senior assisted care facilities along the West Coast, including Aegis Assisted Living and Oakmont Senior Living. He planned bidding, construction, and management strategies as the vice president of Oakmont Developers for over a decade.

Jeff Civian holds a master of science in civil engineering from California State University, Sacramento. He studied renewable natural resources as an undergraduate at the University of California, Davis. Apart from his professional activities, he enjoys listening to and playing music. He plays the drums, guitar, ukulele, piano, and trumpet.


Jeff Civian
Wailea, HI US